The next thing you notices is the wall getting closer to you you think
what is going to happen.
You are trapped where are your friends you don't want to die here all
of a sudden you see your friends they come to your rscue you are just
wanting to get out of this house but your friends want to look around
all of a sudden you hear something you say plese tell me that was you
Barrba and she said it wasn't.Then you turn and you say is any one
there all you hear is a scream but where from where could it have come
from? All you want to do is get out of here but your friends want to
explore and find out where the noise is coming from you go with them
because what happens if they need you? All of a sudden the noise
stopes your friends no longer want to find out the noise so you start
walking and you hear footsteps they are just yours you are thinking
butthen you stop and you hear them agin pit pater pit pater and they
seem to be getting closer now you and your friends are running but
your friends are running to the noies.Then you hear I am coming for
you ?????? Now you start slowing down and relize your friends are not
with you they took off another way.