"Well open your eyes" Dave tells her.
" Oh, were do you think we are?" She asks. She gets up and wipes the back of her pants off.
" Well, it looks like a dugeon to me." You say. You the point to some thing in the corner. " Yep,It's a dungeon alright look at those torchure devices over there." You all see all forms of undesirible things.
" Are we just going to stand here and do nothing?' asks Barbra.
" We can try to see what's up those stairs." you suggest.
" What about the baseball game?" Dave asks.
" Well if we don't find a way out there won't be a baseball game." you say.
" We could stack things and Climb out the way we came in." Barbra suggests
"Do you really want to snoop around this old basement?" You say.