You wait a few moments and luckily the ship replies "Hold on.
I'll transport you aboard in a few seconds."
Relieved you and Qui-Gon open the hatch and go into the spaceship. As
you are taking off your spacesuits a man greets you.
"Hello" he says. " I am Henew. Welcome aboard my cargo
transport ship The Jumplighter."
You look at him. You see he is an old man you would guess late
sixtees. He has grayish hair and is a little shorter than you. He has
a robot next to him, a T3 model.
Qui-Gon greets him and says "Thank you for taking us aboard. We
are most grateful. My name is Qui-Gon Jinn and this is my, ahem, son
You now realize that it was necessary to disguise your identities.
Henew replies " Yeah, well it gets dangerous in this space
sector. Lot of asteroids and meteorites. Here, we can talk more in the
kitchen. I was just about to have dinner."
You pull out your Comlink Communicator and signal to the ship you see.
You say "Come in please..This is Obi-Wan Kenobi. Our ship is
destroyed and we are stuck..Please help.."