find the man of my dreams and fall in love and live happily ever after
but then someone tries to take over the world and you go to help them
but your one true love is going to leave you if you try to take over
the world so you dont and become good and be a superhero!! then you
come to realize that boys are semlly and you dont want anything to do
with them..but he does not want to let you go then he truies to put a
"fall in love spell on you" so you will fall right back in
love again...and it worked for about two min. haha then he goes to get
more of the spell stuff meanwhile you havce no clue what hes
you run away then he comes to find you are not at home anymore so he
goes and looks for you and finds you gives you the drfink to make you
fall in love with him again. It worked and this time it was a life
time spell so you are madly in love with each other and you both lived
happliy ever after with you being a superhero and he being a hot super