Run you earged yourself. As if by magic your mind begins to work and
you start to run towards Karrie which by now was nothing but an
outline to you.
While running you lose you balance and you start towards the ground
rapidly. Putting your hands down to soften your fall you notice a
figure standing beside you.
As you land your body feels numb and you realize suddenly..... That
your legs wont move. They feel as if their not there.
"Oh my gosh......"You cry out as you turn on your back
"I can't move!"
Suddenly you remember the stanger. You look up and see a figure of a
boy around your age. His short blonde hair wet bye the rain and his
eyes were bluer then the bottemless depths of the sea.
his full lips shaped into a smile that held a playfull touch to them.
Help me you gasp as you suddenly start to feel faint. He reaches down
a hand to you as blackness starts to touch you.
As you reach up yuor own hand the blackness starts to come faster and
faster. Suddenly you feel his warm hand rap around yours and the
balckness engulfs you.
"Nooooo" You scream as you lay there by the myserious boy.
Finally a splash of cold water against your face awakens you as you
open your eyes.
You lay in a room with only a single flame for light. When you look up
you see the same boy staring at you with a glass in his hand.Concern
crosses his face as you try to talk but u can't.
Trying to get up he lays you back down. Then his voice thats soothing
to you.
"Stay and rest I'll go get you a drink of water."
As he leaves you remember Karrie! you have to find her and fast buut
you don't want to leave the boy with the soothing voice.
The purple smoke rised up from the ground and begun to swril around
Karrie. Her face twisted in horrer as her body became engoulfed in the
It was as if you were in a dream. Around you everything darkened and
all you could hear was wind swirling around you.