You awaken in a strange little hut. Shafts of light pour through
the rafters and make you squint
dazedly. "Where am I?" you wonder, but you haven't time to
look into this further because into the hut bustles a little old lady.
She has tiny horn-rimmed glasses and bears an uncanny resemblance to
the teacher your 9th grade social studies class drove to a mental
"You've had quite a day," she murmurs. "First, breaking
through the Moodara Force, then angering the Keeper. It would be best
that you watch your step from here on in."
The old lady hands you a bowl of chicken soup. "Cures all that
ails ya!" she smiles.
You are completely befuzzled. "Huh? What's a Moodara Force? Who
is this Keeper guy?"
The old lady's smile droops into a disapproving frown. "Why,
Tarin, you should know all that. Haven't you been paying attention to
your studies?"
You begin to panic. "Who's Tarin? What are you talking
"Why, you are Tarin, you silly boy." says the ancient woman
with a combination of annoyance and bemusement."You can't trick
me that easily."
This must be a case of mistaken identity, you think as you slurp up a
spoonful of the delicious soup.