You see Barbra is tied up. Now that you see this you go over to untie
her. You find out that the knot is to tight so you look around for
somthing sharp. The fist thing you spot is the sharp rock with blood
on it that you killed barney with. You think to your self if you realy
should use the bloody thing or not. You finnely decide you will use
somthing else.(That is not bloody.) You look around your self and on
the dirty floor. You see nothing else. You decide that you just will
have to use the bloody rock. Right when you reached down for it your
pocket knife fell out of your pocket Then just seeing it on the groud
made you want to use it instead. You pick it up and walk toward the
rope around Barbra. Rigt when you are a few feet away from her she
screams out at you," NO NO IT'S A TRAP!!!" Rigt then you
fall down a trap door.