"Wait!" you shout. Another lightbulb pops up above your
"What is it?" he asks, a little annoyed.
"Your mot ny longed loshed brotter!" you manage to say
around your cookie. "I never had an older bother."
"Oh, really? I beg to differ.." he says slyly.
"no, you beg to live!" you shout along with a war cry.
"Ayeeeieeeee!!!!!" You grab a near-by ax and...
"wait!" a shrill voice above you head cries.
"What?" both Dagwood and you ask, looking up at the ax.
"Do you like to write?" the ax says in a charming voice.
"Uhh, yeah, I guess." you reply. "why would I be here,
writing this?"
"Well," he pauses.
"Well what?" Dagwood asks anxiously.
"If you want your wrting to be actually seen, instaed of being
put here, with a rare chance of being seen, go to The Writers
Desk." the ax continues. you.."
"Where's this 'Writers Desk'?" you ask.
Exasperated, the ax raises his voice. "I'm getting to that part!
Geez. Okay, you can go find it at: http://members.xoom.com/serpentina"
"Shamless promotion, eh?" Dagwood asks.
"Exactly" the ax retorts. "Why don't we try
this.." the ax pulls out a link and sets it down. It looks sorta
like this: <a href="http://members.xoom.com/serpentina">
The Writers Desk</a> "If that didn't work, it's not my
fault" mumbles the ax.
"Okay, I'll just go and mosy along there" you say. After
thanking the ax, you head off to the Writers Desk, Dagwood just paces
behind you.
Hmmm, that was wierd. Should you....
you look down and find a book called: 'The Magic of Moodara' you open
it to page 1526. it reads: