As you near the bottom of the chasm, a horrible stench fills your
nostrils. Like the odor of rancid mutton, it causes you to become
nauseous. In your anxiety, you notice to lights in front of you, like
glowing lanterns. Suddenly, the chasm is filled with light, in front
of you there stands a monsterous creature. Its eyes a like red fire,
its skin is schorched and scarred. It is clad in bronze armor,
shimmering in the light. In its right hand, a long sword wreathed in
green fire. In its left hand, a shield with the word
"FRYTH" carved upon it. About its feet lie the broken bones
of many people, who too have dared to tread upon this monsters
It gazes at you, fear shivers down your entire body. You stand there
motionless, looking forward in awe.
"Ye hath entered the land of night, I am the nightmare that lurks
in waiting, to put foolish by-passers eternally to rest. Prepare to
enter the everlasting slumber, death!"
The chasm shakes violenty under the laughter of the great demon.
Stones and debris fall sharply upon your unprotected head. The demon
raises his flaming sword, and slases heavily at you...
You descend the chasm with caution, making your way through the
darkness. Every now and then your foot slips on a cluster of loose
gravel, causing you to scuff your fingers as you search for a sturdy
out structure of rock to gain balance on.