you decide to play games on the laptop. you choose to play counter
strike condition zero. Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang
bang die die die .......... soon Qui-gon appears out of no where and
says move over i want to play. you start a fight with Qui-gon and you
both take out your lightsabers and begin a battle for the laptop. you
jump ing the air and aim the lightsaber down at Qui-gon's head but
before it could hit Qui-gon, Qui-gon jumped out the way and you put a
hole straight throught the say oh well where do we go from
hear Qui-gon well we have to go see Consulor Amadala. you and Qui-gon
stole away on a ship and fly to the consulor. the consulor says thank
you for coming. she then asks qui-gon to watch the door because she
needs to talk to you you enter a beautiful room with a bed at the
other side , she leds you towards it you are confused be why she is
taking you to the bed but the only thing you can think of is to have
sex. when you reach the bed she throws you on the bed and pulls down
your pants and you dic goes bonging straight up and then she pulls her
dress down and she shoves your dick in her