you melt a hole in the main chambers library wall-its got books on
it-and walk into the room on the other side and see a big throne
room-and on itis a huge vampire with hugely gigantic wings the size of's sucking the blood out of Barbara's neck!! Quickly I
bring up a spell that made the walls turn into garlick...?Was it
garlick or onions? Oh well it's not like I had time!I quickly used the
spell-and I was right the walls turned into garlick.The vampire
stopped sucking Barbara's blood out of her body.....long enough to
notice me. Big mistake Barbara was dead and now I was going to be
dead-all for nothing!But wait I was forgetting something! I am a
magician, I could make a giant hyper-flamethrower and burn the
vampires head off or something!