Looking at the creature you could see that I looked as strange to him as he did to me. I opened my mouth to say something , anything. All that came out was a simple, "yes".
The creature studied me and said "I think you're wondering how you got here. That's like we'de like to know. We were traveling throught the forest when all of a sudden this strange doorway opened out before us. You were lying in a desert face down. We went through the doorway, got you, and took you back here"
You listen to his story and think how strange. You reach into your sac and notice that the dice are gone. Maybe they rolled out when I was sleeping and created a doorway into the night world.
You awaken to strange looking creatures surrounding and hovering over you. You're not on the sand anymore. You notice that the place you're in seems to be some kind of cave. But how can that be. You notice one of the creatures gesturing toward you with a startled look in his eyes. He approaches you and in a perfectly normal voice sais "Hello, I trust you had a nice rest".