You re-read over the letter again to see who the suspects are and what
clues you already have to work with. There is one main suspect, the
Red Capper. You should get more information and investigate how the
Red Capper could have done this crime. Along with all the other
suspects. If all do not have some sort of match so that they can be
considered suspects then talk with other people around the scene and
get more clues, weather it be infomation or a object.
Now you have to go down to the crime scene and investigate it.
Hopefully there are some new motives or new clues that may help you in
finding the criminal.
You put the letter back in the folder and head down towards the crime
scene hoping to find new clues...
You begin to think of who else could be the possible suspects.
Everyone you would meet on this case could be a possible suspect.
'Never think that anyone is the innocent one unless you find the
criminal' you say to yourself. Of what the Mayor had said you would
keep her in your mind. There are not enough clues to determine who may
be a suspect and who may not be a suspect.