"What's mine is mine Detective!" She cackles.
You think, now why in the world would she want me not to have that
report? There has to be some reason. You wipe your now bruised lip and
stagger up. She whips her hair around and prances back to her office.
You won't just stand there while the mayor may be involved in a
terrible crime. Not you, you're to wild, brave, and couragious to let
a town be lead by a lier, if she is one. Is
A sudden impulse comes over you ,and you snatch the folder that the
mayor is holding she shouts to you and a police officer moves right
into your path. You run right smack dab in the middle of his chest.
You fall to the ground and hit your head on the hard tile floor and
things go blurry. You can hardly make out the warped shape of the
mayor. She comes up to you and takes back the now fuzzy looking