"But I... I... I just. Well?" Comes a confused voice of the
Mayor Nelson.
"What? What?!" you yell.
"I already gave somebody who said they were you the report."
Comes the still confused voice.
You calm down a bit and take in the facts. Who would want that report?
Why wouldn't the mayor recognize you? Who accually took the report?
"Didn't you recognize that the person wasn't me?" You ask
rather angry. You run your fingers through your hair and try to weave
the little bits of evidence together that you already know." Is
something the matter?" You ask her, now noticing that she looks
like her eyes hurt.
"Oh, I'm just fine. I just lost my glasses quite awhile ago and
can't find them. Dr. Peterson is getting me new ones tommorrow."
Mayor Nelson mutters.
"Well! No wonder you couldn't identifie it wasn't me!" You
say rather under your breath to her.
Now you piece together a few lingering questions to create new ones.
One, who took the report? Can she see at all without her glasses? With
these questions you create, Did someone purposely steal the glasses?
If someone purposely stold the glasses was it the same person who
stold the report?...
You say hi and ask her for the report. She looks a little startled and
scratches her head.