When you wake up you find yourself in a room. Looking around you
realise that you are in some kind of laboratory. You get up only to
feel the creak of aching muscles. To your dismay you find that you
were sleeping on top of a gurney. The gurney is brown from what looks
to be dried blood. THATS IT I'M OUTTA HERE you think to yourself.
"There is no way out of here unless I say so."
Looking around you cannot find where the voice came from.
"Dont bother looking for me, I'm in your head. I always have been
and I always will."
Searching you find a ventilation shaft with a loose grate on the front
of it. Pulling the grate of you find that if you squeeze in you just
might be able to get out of here afterall.
"If you will just sit patiently I will be with you in just a few
moments." says the strange voice in your head.