"Erica." you reply.
"LEXX," Stanley says."say hello to Erica, our new
In a metallic voice, the LEXX replied, "Hello, Erica. I am the
LEXX, the most powerful ship in both universes."
"Hello, LEXX. Glad to meet you. Hey Stanley, do mind if I look
around?" you ask.
"Oh, go right ahead; I'll be your tour guide."
He takes you all around the ship; it would take to long to describe
exactly how the LEXX looked on the inside. Your favorite place is the
protein banks, that's where Kai was to be kept once he starts running
out of proto-blood.
After you finished packing your things, they take you to the bug-like
things and you climb into one.
They fly up into the air and they fly up to an even bigger bug-like
thing. They fly into the huge mouth and they land on a landing pad,
which seems to be connected to the main deck. Stanley walks over to
what seems to be the command chair. He lays his hand on the command
console. "Miss, what is your name?" he asks.