No, you realize, collecting your wits. It's a knothole. Barbara is
looking through it.
"How did you get up there?"
"I have no idea. I passed out and woke in the dark wearing this
weird thing!"
"Hold on. I'll get you down."
You look around the dusty room you're in and glance upon a high side
table. You pull it over, ignoring the bloodstains and the white figure
sitting on it that dissolves when you brush against it. It's lucky
you're just over six foot; standing on the table you can reach the
ceiling. You also grab a dusty gold lamp standing nearby.
"Barbara, is the floor you're sitting on rotted at all?"
Thumps. Cracking sounds. "Yeah, it really is. Stinks, too."
"I'm going to break through it, so move over, okay?"
It's surprisingly easy to break through the wooden planks using the
lamp. Soon you've made a large enough hole. "Okay, Barbara, jump
down. I'll catch you."
"John! Thank the lord! I'm up here!" Barbara's voice seems
clearer now as you walk towards it, and you look up. An eye is on the