Whatever the case, the cat does not pursue-- the cat was close on your
heel, you realize, seeing as Barbara's leg has very very large teeth
marks in it and she's bleeding a ton... She seems to be fading in and
out of consciousness so you pick her up and run her to the
not-so-haunted (unfortunately; that was certainly something YOU'D like
to try again [not]) house up the street where you call 911 and she's
taken to the hospital... There's poison in her leg, but not enough to
kill her and she'll be alright. As you sit in the waiting room with
Dave flipping idly through an outdated magazine, a doctor approaches
you... Why? Barbara's mother's here... "If it weren't for you,
Barbara might not be alive right now. She owes you her life." You
chuckle to yourself-- hell yes she does... and a new pair of