"You're right!" she exclaims. "Why didn't I think of
that before? We can just stay goblins forever and our parents will be
so scared that they won't make us clean our bedrooms ever again!"
"Great idea!" says Dave. "We can scare our enemies,
too! And our friends' enemies! And all the bad guys in the world!
And save everybody!"
"Oh, Dave" Barbara says, looking disgusted. "Don't try
to be so heroic. It's unbecoming."
"Who cares! We're goblins! Goblins don't have to worry about
being unbecoming."
"Now," you say bringing them back to the topic at hand,
"How are we going to get out of this
"Well, there's nothing wrong with being a goblin, and I can't
help it, anyway," you tell Barbara.