Because it's raining you venture further into the house to seek
shelter, even though you know the house it supposably
"haunted." "Hey",you think,"it's better than
getting sopping wet and dying of hypothermia." So you, Dave, and
Barbra venture further into the house. Dave doesn't want to, but he's
outvoted and he doesn't want to go back through the house again.You
slowly creep up the stairs to the next floor. "It's not really
haunted," Barbra says. "The mansion is just, like, ancient,
so everyone thinks that it is. You keep walking, and suddenly Dave
screams. You and Barbra turn around to see what's wrong.'s... NOTHING! "Gosh Dave, you are SUCH a
baby," Barbra says. "There isn't anything here."
"B-bu-but I saw, I, um, s-s-saw someone h-h-here. I k-k-know I
d-did," Dave answers. "Yeah right," you and Barbra say.
"Haha." So you keep walking, and walking, and walking
through the mansion. Then suddenly, "BOO!!" Dave lets out
another shriek and I gasp. "Wh-what was that?" you ask
Barbra, since Dave seems to be in a state of shock. But Barbra is
giggling hystarically. "Gosh you guys are SUCH babies. That was
just me!" But then...