"Hurt the younglings, you will not," he says. Then Yoda
advances as the sith attacks with lightning speed. It was a long
battle, but in the end, the sith came out without any limbs.
"Hurry, we must," said Yoda, "for the clones are
Then you run up the stairs, only to find more clones. You deflect a
bullet and it hits one of the clones. Now you are feeling the force
as you advance forward. None stand between you and your light saber.
When you look to your right, you see Obe Wan fall. After you finish
the clones off, you rush over to him. You carry him the rest of the
way, only to find a sith lord at the exit. You hevent ever heard or
seen him before, so you decide to go the other way. The he jumps over
your head and takes a swing at your head. The only way out is to
duel. So you set Obe Wan down as he starts attacking. You are now
thinking that you wish that you had listened to Mace Windu in class.
All of a sudden, Yoda appears.