"Would you two cut it out!" says Dave. "You can always
kill each other later!"
You sigh. "He's right. If we waste our time fighting now, most
likely we're gonna get ourselves killed."
"Yeah..." says Barbra. "C'mon, there's gotta be a door
around here somewhere."
You and your friends start looking for a way out. Dave attempts to
break the cellar door to escape, and you and Brabra explor the cellar.
You hand hits a brick on the wall, revealing two hidden passage ways.
"Hey guys!" you say. "Check it out!" You friends
com over to see what you found.
"Good work!" says Dave.
"Yeah, but which one should we take?" asks
"Well, maybe a good idea would be to... oh, I dunno... FIND A WAY
OUT!" yells Barbra.