"I guess we should set up camp until we can build a house,"
you say, picking up a few sticks. You're lucky your dad was a boy
scout; he knows all about nature and how to make fires. Your mom feeds
Teresa while you search the woods behind you for a berry bush. You
manage to find a small strawberry bush and tug the ripe strawberries
off of the vine and into your pockets. You also mange to get a few
scrapes. You go back to your camp and your mom cleans your scrapes and
you munch on the fresh strawberries. Eventually, you are lulled to
sleep by the sounds of the night.
"We can't go back. Not even on the raft," your dad reports
after examining the raft. He points to the hole in the raft. "We
don't have the materials to make a patch. Come to think of it, what DO
we have?" your dad asks. You dig into your pocket and bring out a
soggy one-dollar bill, a piece of fuzz, a few coins, and a Kara's
brand chocolate bar. Too bad you're stranded. The money in your pocket
was enough to buy a loaf of bread and a gallon of milk. Sean holds out
a few coins, a button, and a picture of his girl-friend Mara. Your dad
holds out a granola bar, a twenty-dollar bill and a credit card. Your
mom managed to grab the baby bag, and inside is a bottle, some
formula, jars of baby food, some blankets, a box of Cheerios, some
diapers, some wipes and changes of clothes for the family. You don't
know how good everything is because its drenched.