Than all off the sudden the green goo begins to throb, and then you
here a disgusting cracking noise, you turn to look at Karie, just in
time to see the green blob jump over both of you and tries to eat you
both, you grab ahold of Karrie's arm and run , you almost make it but
the green glob forces himself around your leg and pulls you to the
ground he starts dragging you, when you realize he has arms. You look
up at it and see that the glob has transformed into the most retched
beast you've ever seen or heard of in all of your life. You notice not
only two arms but six of them, two on the sides, one in the middle,
and one on the back. Also three legs,and two bulging eyeballs with
blood dripping, it was the most horrid thing you've ever seen in on
earth, but then again this wan't earth.You......