"Well, one thing I'll say that's bad," Charity laughs,
"is that the uniforms stink." She hands you yours--a long,
rather shapeless plaid dress--and you can't help but agree. You like
plaid, but this isn't something you'd normally wear.
"But," Charity continues, "there are many good things.
Oh, old Fish Breath--that's Ms. Fishburn--is strict, but there are
some things...like, some of the rooms have secret doors in them. Also,
there are clubs that meet on different days--drama and literature and
a couple of sports teams...stuff like that. Plus, there's the English
"Oh, hi, Charity...new girls, huh? Hello, I'm Chris Anderson, the
English teacher, at your service," says a medium-height,
green-eyed man with a slight Southern accent as he passes you in the
hall and stops to shake your hand.
"He's American--from Tennessee. He's cute," Charity explains
"Cute? He's hot!" Bridget laughs.
"But taken--he's married to Nurse Johnson, the school nurse.
Still, he leads great literary discussions, and he doesn't like Fish
Breath very much, so if you get in trouble but it isn't your fault,
you can count on Mr. Anderson to stick up for you," Charity says.
"What else?" you ask.
Just then, though, you hear a door slam. Someone yells,
"The mystery," intones Charity.
"What mystery?" Bridget asks.
But before Charity can answer...
"Please tell us about it," you encourage Charity as you walk
with Charity and Bridget toward the room where you're supposed to pick
up your uniforms.