"I'll come with you," volunteers Rosa.
"OK--Bridget, do you want to come?" you ask.
"Um...no, I'm going to stay here with Nurse Johnson,"
Bridget declines.
"OK. Nurse Johnson, where were you, exactly?"
"Right outside Miss Mursome the Latin teacher's classroom--hers
is the last one before the door that leads toward the attic."
"OK--come on, Rosa."
Halfway there, Rosa yells,
"Maria, look out!"
She's too late--you're falling down the stairs. When you land, you
don't think anything is broken, but know you've twisted an ankle. You
tell Rosa to...
"You should take it easy, ma'am," you tell the nurse,
"or else the school nurse will need a nurse! No, seriously...I'll
check this out and figure out who said that and what he or she meant.
I promise."