This is the room of lost remotes. All of them were lost into the couch
but our faithful friend Roger came into all the houses at night and
stole them! Here is our collection; over three thousand million!
Back to real life: you notice that the person who made this plack
keeps repeating "our friend" or "our collection"
there is something just a little fishy about this. then you notice
that all the remotes start moving! And chanting! "You lost
usssss!" they say "Now you will join ussssssssss!"
instantly you are turned into a remote and beamed into a house. There
you sit on the TV.
as you follow the footsteps into the room a door slams behind you.
Even this cannot stop you and on you go into the room. It is a room
filled with TV remotes suposedly lost in the coach! there is a plack
on the wall and you read it: