"Bug off!" you say but the ghost doesn't leave. intead she
stares at you and your friends.
"Got a seeing problem?" Barbara says
"This is what I get paid to do!" Molly says "Besides
the light is always so dim in here you can't see anyway so I find it a
little redundant to ask if I have a seeing problem. And even if I did
it wouldn't be any of your buisness!" feeling quite mad you swing
the candel that has mysteriously not burned down at all at the little
"I can't believe what your doing!" Molly says "Not
only is this my house but my candel and we are strangers so what right
have you to swing that candle at me? Have you no manners? Or more to
the point have you ever read Mrs. Manners books on proper
behavier?" in a huff Molley leaves giggling.