"Oh how noble!" exclaims the man. "Maybe you two can
relish in each others loyalty in a place more private!"
The man grips on hand on your arm and the other on your hair. You
struggle to get away, but you cant. The ivy carries Dave as the man
drags you along.
Finally, you come to the back yard, where there is a rickety old tool
shed covered in moss. Wordlessly, the man opens the door and throws
you in, the ivy throwing Dave inside with you.
You hear the door close followed by the click of a pad lock.
"Well, this is great!" says Dave. "Why didn't you just
listen to me!"
"I wasn't about to leave you!" you say. "And picking a
fight won't get us anywhere! We just need to sit down and think about
what we're gonna do next!"
"Okay! Okay!" said Dave. "You have any
"I'm not leaving you!" you say to Dave as you rip off more