There's not much you can do, and the room leaves you and Barbara
squished together in the corner.
Then, you suddenly have an idea.
"Barbara," you whisper," Do you still have your
She nods.
You loosen your hands from the rope and manage to grab the purse.
Your back is to Barbara so that she can see what your grabbing. (Your
hands are tied behind your back)
"I'm looking for your comb," you tell her.
"Eww, Jake! I don't want head lice from a boy," she yells.
She quickly lowers her voice.
When you pick out the comb, Barbara gives you the okay.
You use the comb to saw off the thin ropes on your hands and arms,
Your free!
You quickly untangle the rest of your body from the suffocating rope.
You stare at your surroundings.