She *thought* It was 2 eyes but she still had that bump on her head.
It was actually 1 red glow It was The end of a ciggerrette...It all
started to come back to Dana....She didnt get called dana she got
called Scully,The ciggerate belonged to Cancer man who had Mulder tied
up...She remembered Her and mulder came here to investigate when she
had been knocked out...they know to much...She was afraid for herself
but mostly for Mulder (whom she loved but never told him) She thought
all would soon be lost as she noticed the walls closing in and the
trap door beneath Cancer mans feet...Just
then...ack...hough...clu..My...heart..Yes cancer man had a heart
attack..(thats what ciggies do to ya' kiddies) She saved mulder and
they escaped out the trap door after they had proffesed their love for
one another they made out a little and then fell down a chute they
landed in a....