Jurassic Park Theme
Music by John Williams
Lyrics by Me
Duhhhhhh....duh nuh nuhhhhhhhhh
duh nuh nuuhhhhhhhhhhh
nah nahhhhhhhh
dah dahhhhhhhh
Here's a park where you've got biiiiiiiiig
dinosaurs that waaaaaant to eat-you...
J-rassic Paaaark,
There's some old guyyyyyy
That is played by Richard Attenborough
But he's not just Rick, now he's siiiiiiir
And he doesn't carry a sword!
Dinosaurs are cool
Like to drink from pools
That's in Lost World, not J.P.
Don't like raptors much,
but on me they'll munch,
Jurassic Park, was a Moooooooooooo-ooooooooo-vieeeeeeeeeeeeee!
"Hmmm....that is a dang good song! Why didn't they think of
those words before?" you say, looking over the words
"Okay," you say, "I'm just about done....let's read
what I've got so far.."