Its been a few years since Barbara went missing.I start every day
thinking about her. how good of a friend she was. All the memories we
made. and all the fun we had together.I think about the haunted house
and my time in their. I am now a lawyer and i have a very busy job but
Barbara always seems to sneak into my mind. A few newspapers still
show her picture in the missing child section. Her photo is pressed to
replicate what she would've looked like if she was 27. I tried to
think of what our lives would've been like. would we still be friends?
later that night i had a dream. It was the ghost of Barbara. calling
my name. Then a loud screeching sound woke me up. It was Barbara in
ghost form. she kept repeating why didn't you save me, i die for you.I
paused her."what are you talking about Barbara?" Do you
really think that your plan to leave the house was good enough to
outsmart a ghost? no. I said very scared. I SAVED YOU ME!!! I told the
ghost that he could kill me and turn me into a ghost. I can never
leave the haunted house. Then why are you here? i said confused.
because i have one last request. Barbara
strangled me in my room. I died.