"Yes. Levitation--shapeshifting--who knows our bounds? Any
children we might have would also have the gift. We will go to them,
but after we are married. You will have to learn more about your
powers--and you will have choose a name."
"Sierra." Suddenly you have no doubt about what name you
want to be known by. Then a question occurs to you. "Go to
them? You mean the 'others' are near here?"
"Yes. That's why I chose for us to live here."
"Are they safe?"
"They're safe to be around, especially if you're one of
"Do I have to say any spells or something to do all those
things?" you ask uncertainly.
"No! You just see it in your mind, and sort of transfer it to
real life. It's hard to explain."
"We--you and I--and others--can do incredible things."