You head for the castle. You come to a wide river, where a canoe is
parked. You hop in cross the boiling, murky river. You come to the
castle draw bridge and enter. Inside there stands a big dragon and he
is looking right at you! "What's the password?" he roars,
sparks spurting from his mouth. You are frightened, but then you
remember he cannot light you on fire because you already are.
"Password"! You shout. A great door opens and sucks you
inside. There, stands a tall handsome man who asks "why are you
here?" You tell him your problem and he answers that he will help
if you go along with his bargain. The bargain is, he will help you
find Kerry and change you back to human, only if you go along with
being turned into a witch and be his queen. You force yourself to
meekly sputter out a yes, not knowing if this is the right choice.