Two other gnomes, a boy and a girl, run out. When they see you, they
scream. "Don't worry he nice," the little gnome says.
"He lost and he need to stay here and eat dinner."
Litta stopped screaming and wiped her hands on her apron. She had
flour all over her tiny face. "Well I was not thinking big
person come for dinner but I will make lots and lots of food,"
she said. She bustled off, mumbling "Lotsa lotsa dinner."
"Thank you for letting me stay here for a while," you say,
sitting down in the middle of their floor. You start telling them
all about the land you are from. Then they tell you about their tiny
village and their family. Kulder is the one who landed on your head,
and Durker and Litta are his mother and father.
Soon wonderful smells start drifting in from the kitchen. Litta comes
into the parlor. "Come eat big person eat all good food"
she announces cheerfully.
You bend over and enter the tiny cottage in front of you. "Litta,
Durker!" he calls. "Come see big person!"