Astra was one of the most talented shpae shifters in the world at
that time. Considering he had killed all of the other shape shifters.
This perticular shape shifter did not know of the young boy named
McCeallan. Mceallen was a kind hearted young boy who grew into a
wise, handsome, and pure-hearted young man. As he grew older
Mceallan's powers of shape shifting began to appear and grow stronger.
While Mcceallan's powers grew stronger Astra's grew weaker as he grew
into an old man. McCeallan's mother Bethany began to explain to him
his powers and told him he could choose to use them in two ways, for
evil or for good, because he was pure-hearted Bethany knew that her
son would use them for good. When McCellans training was do his
mother asked which way he was going to use his gift. McCeallan said,
"Mother that is an easy question for me, for good of
course." Sowith that his mother told him the story of Astra and
told him of his destiny, to defeat Astra so the souls of the other
Shape shifters before him could be free. McCeallan kindly accepted hi
destiny and went to seek out Astra. When he came to a cave that was
releasing very evil energy he knew Astra was inside and continued into
the cave. When he reached Astra he said, "I am the pure-hearted
young man who destiny is to seek and destroy you so my ansestors souls
could be free once more." " Because i am so kind hearted I
am granting you either a fight or you may kill yourself peacefully
with your own potions. So what will it be." Astra never backs
down to a fight and chose to fight McCeallan. The fight to about
seven hours considering they were both very skill and powerful, but as
you know the power of good will always conquer evil somehow, someway,
someday. So let this be a leason to al evil doers out there you will
always be caught know matter how.