Suddenly a great big eye pops out of the bushes. It just hovers there
staring at you. As you look more closely, you see it is not just an
eye but a orb-like thing with one huge eye levitating a few feet off
the ground. Remembering your years of questing, you see exactly what
it is._It is a beholder, one of the most feared creatures on the face
of the planet. You recall fighting one particurly like this one a few
months ago, but it escaped. As you look closer, you realize this is
the same one you fought! You draw your sword, readying yourself for
combat. The beholder laughs, then speaks._"Even if you could
destroy me, which you can't, you would lose the only coordinants of
your beloved wife, Karri, so sheath your weapon and let me
speak," says the beholder calmly.