Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]
Privacy Statement: We do not share any personal information with
Send feedback with your questions
and suggestions.
Copyright (�) Prescient Code
Solutions / [email protected]
Grand Testing Tale -- page 2457
Old Posts
Old posts are saved here.
- [back] - - [climb a ladder next to a tree] - - [A Haunted House] - -
[Walk down the path hid by a large tree] - - [Eat icecream] -
- [Walk into a large tree] - - [Start out a journey] - - [About
yourselves] - - [Win the Lottery] - - [Run home to your mother] -
- [Pet the cat and then add text] - - [Visit Jupiter!!!!!!!!] - -
[Become a Jedi Knight] - - [Hug a frog] - - [Go down the stairs] -
- [get on a plane and go to hollywood] - - [fallow the yellow brick
road] - - [Run into a wall] - - [You look around the small shop] -
- [reach for the branch] - - [Defeat all the ugly monsters ] -
- [around the corner] - - [Form a loop] - - [Enter Linderwall] -
- [walk along the path to the treehouse] - - [HI!] - - [go to
holloween havoc] - - [Please read tease instructions] - - [run into a
tree] -
- [Become a Hunter] - - [A new life] - - [Fly a kite] - - [go
to the kitchen] - - [Lie down, get a soda, and enjoy nature!] -
- [Adopt a creature!] - - [go to a concert] - - [Become a warrior]
- - [rent horses] - - [jerry springer] - - [you open the gold door] -
- [If you are member of Class of 2002 please go here!!!!!!!] - - [You
find a new boyfriend] - - [Remain at the Outpost] - - [at the beach] -
- [DIE] - - [Become a grand wizard] -
- [eat some fish] -
- [doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [kill the queen of England] - - [kill the queen of
England] - - [damage the crown jewels] - - [and eat them.] -
- [KILL BARNEY THE PURPLE DINO] - - [Brings them back to life.] - -
[barney\] - - [go to see the spice girls] - - [?you will see] -
- [;lkadsfjl;askdjfl;kasdjf] - - [The Waterfall] - - [go to
africa] - - [You go to Japan to learn art!] - - [gO TO jAPAN?] -
- [you learn to speak japanesse] - - [The old man walks to the path
to the right.] - - [A Day in LA La land] - - [go down the dark path] -
- [the ninja ] - - [The Mysterious Letter] - - [FANTASY LAND!
FANTASY LAND! ] - - [start a joerny to the center of the earth] -
- [Imagine] - -
[rfjcjhdfdhuidfa] -
- [ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2222222222222222222222222222222222222**********�������������������������������������������������������������������b���������噙��������������������������]
- [Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] - -
[Meet All The Celebrities You've Ever Dreamed] -
- [If you are a member of The Class Of 2005 PLEASE READ!!!] - -
[Burn rubber] - - [Jump!] - - [Jump over the moon.] -
- [The Kingdom of Elhoghican] - - [sailor Moon] - - [The City
Between the Worlds] - - [The magical people of Mirer] -
- [Jump off a cliff into a
small stream] -
- [The Crazy Horse that ate a tree then coughed up cough medicine then
drank the cough medicine and said good eh then chuckled as the
children stabbed him with carrots made of dust and a poet name Neal
the rocker at a couple of Grampas old tomater Juice, boy that was fun
eh said the cowboy That clown sure beat up that T. Rex , said Billy as
he bit into his roughly sour coated Bread from Geocities and their
bread company.] -
- [go to the moon in a spaceship named star dust] - - [ghosts] -
- [Become a hero of some sort!] - - [Turn into a Chiwawa.] -
- [Sonic start Reading] - - ["I can't believe I actually did
that!"] - - [comeplantes about homework] - - [MISS POPULAR!!!!] -
- [bolw up boulder] - - [ The Tale of a Demon's Soul] - - [TALE
- [Demons soul] -
- [birthday present! What is inside?a ENOURMOUS..........] - -
[The Darkness of the Demon's Soul] - - [Marchin Manor] -
- [Be a hero in a far of country] - - [Be one of the Wild
West Heros] - - [gkhjlhjk] - - [here we go] - - [Pokemon] -
- [Get up early and look for easter eggs.] - - [ssssss] - -
[Illusia] - - [ride the bike] - - [D'aulaires' book of Greek Myhts] -
- [Is thiz a juke!!!!!!!????????????????????????] - - [turn into a
werewolf] - - [WoN a BrEaK dAnCiNg CoNtEsT] - - [Runaway!] -
- [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - - [Kompjuterski svijet-Xanth] - -
[Game Story] - - [You Find a Letter on your desk at home] -
- [hit tree] - - [Your First Adventure] - - [Rainy Day Mystery] -
- [Go to a black market] - - [Dracula ] - - [Eat a cat with a hat ] -
- [catch fireflies] - - [A Trip to Unicorn Planet] - -
[History with a Twist] - - [Live la ve va loca] - - [One Last Game] -
- [Crime is My Middle Name] - - [Escape!] - - [A World of Your
Own] - - [The Last Tellurian] - - [Climb the rocks] -
- [This is a Story...Not Just Any Story...A Story That You
make Happen] - - [Extra] - - [Extra Room For Stories] -
- [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] - - [Magnificent Max and
the Isles of Stratos] - - [Back to the Past] - - [Mystic D'tyri] -
- [THE MOUNTAIN SWORD] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - - [LOST!!!!!!] - -
[Pokesonic] - - [Sparx] - - [The Emerald Light] -
- [Ava Meets Knuckles] - - [Psychosis Part 1] - - [Mecha Sparx] -
- [Roxy] - - [Mind Power] - - [Reunion] - - [Duble team] -
- [Zoned Out] - - [Mysteries Unrevealed] - - [A Hunter Never Misses
His Mark] - - [The Coming of Darkstar] - - [Enter the Blazz] -
- [The Arrival] - - [Final Enchantment] - - [Sonic 1-K Boss
Discrition] - - [Sonic 1 Bosses ] - - [Sonic 1 Zones & Bosses] - -
[Sonic 1] -
- [Sonic 2] - - [The Apocalypse] - - [Barney the Dinosaur]
- - [Basketball Story!] - - [Sonic Levals & Bosses] -
- [Your Poke'mon Adventure] - - [Sonic 1-Sonic & Knuckles ] - -
[Pok�mon] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Sonic new] -
- [Pok�mon] - - [Michael And The Raichu] - - [The Puzzle] - -
[jk;adshfglkjshfdjglkjhzdfjklghzdflkjhgsdlfjkhg] - - [Spin The Bottal]
- [O.I.S. Beware] - - [Spin The Bottal] - - [A Bird's Life] -
- [you find a magic mirror thats a portal to other worlds] -
- [Part Of The Herd] - - [Dire Wolf] - - [Smell
my foot] - - [Be a football player.] -
- [lkjdfshlgkjshdgljsdfgjksdfglhsdflhgsdfhgsldfglksjdhfgkljsdfklgj]
- - [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Sonic 2 Beta] -
- [Pok�mon.Do you know your Pok�mon, take the test.] - -
[Marina Tower] - - [Sonic bosses] - - [Beast Wars!] -
- [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Pok�mon] - - [add a path] - - [Free
Poke'mon Fan Club!] - - [[add a magic path]] - - [do'h] - - [wiess] -
- [Sonic 2 Beta] - - [Gotta Catch 'Em All: Poke`mon] - - [Pokemon
goes to another world.] - - [Fly an X-Wing for the Rebel Alliance] -
- [Sonic for Dreamcast] - - [The 4 Elementarians] - - [Make
$2000 bucks a click!!!] - - [REAL POKEMON TEST] -
- [POKEMON CARDS!! .5 cents each!] - - [REAL TEST OF POK�MON] -
- [Note to everyone in the Grand testing tail:] -
- [Stupid Words] - - [The voodoo clown] - -
[dfgfjsdfhgsdjfhgjsdghf] - - [unfinishing joke] -
- [A large pink bunny approaches you a smiles. I bend over tpo pet it
when u notice it flash its vampire fangs ITS THE GREAT VAMPIRE
BUNNY!!!! CLick here to enter the realm of WOOOSH! ] -
- [Sonic information] - - [sonic scores] - - [<>] - - [kkk]
- - [Sonic Fan-Fic] - - [You meet Gohan from DRAGON BALL Z] -
- [The Jedi Knight Poke'mon Master] - - [Fantastic Ida 2
�Retern of Mr. Smelly Sock�] - - [Ogre's Castle] -
- [�������ݬ�朮���������x縙����123�***������*�����**���ƌؓ�|�*���****��asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\zxcvbnm,./1234567890-=ASDFGHJKL:"QWERYUIOP{}}}|ZXCVBNM<>?!@#$%^&*()
+] -
- [light crudsader [ every thing that
needs to be known]{G rated] -
- [Any one that wants to add paths must come and add paths here
because the original page is geting to big for WebTV users sencerly
Daniel.] -
- [dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo] - - [Faces
made by a keybourd.] - - [Operation Kittycat] -
- [A wierd def. and mixed
word] -
- [helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]
- [Sonic games I'm making ] - - [Funny story 1: Animal hospital] - -
[Hey Arnold!] - - [Sonic games I'm making] - - [Feary Realm] -
- [Mystical Charms] - - [T102] - - [Dark planet] - - [l] -
- [Mystery of the Klockmon Diamond] - - [Future] -
- [Ida and Diamonds Adventures] - - [The World's End] - - [Fantasy
Land] - - [The Game] - - [The Telivision Dilemma] - - [ugg ] -
- [Hi, we are the Olsen twins] - -
[I am Anakin] -
- [SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS�����������������������������������������������������������]
- [Own A World] - - [A Day in the Garden] - - [The 5 Realms] -
- [The trip to poke'land] - - [The Comedy of t-rexes] -
- [The Comedy of t-rexes] - - [Stranded!] - - [Labyrinth] -
- [Sonic the hedgehog games] - - [GHOSTS] - - [l] -
- [NET HACKER'S STORY] - - [The Royal Time Switch] - - [Star Trek:
Starfleet Academy] - - [GRAND TESTING TALE] -
- [Follow the Yellow Brick Road] - - [fly away] - - [The Begger
Child] - - [Chibi-Usa vs. Gohan] - - [Image testing] - - [???] -
- [New Grand Testing Tale] - - [ATTENTION POKEMON LOVERS!] - -
[The Easter Marie] - - [Flowers] - - [WINGS?!] -
- [Pikachu's Date] - - [MY POKEMON ADVENTURE!] - - [MY
- [Please add here A.S.A.P. the grand testing tale main page is
getting used up.] - - [the pokemon story] - - [the pokemon story] -
- [Would people stop going on about Pokemon it is crap.] - -
[Editors of the Stacks, please read.] - - [pokefood] - - [POKEMON!] -
- [The family you never knew you had] - - [The Bigfoot Mystery]
- - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] - - [welcome] -
- [Pokemon debate] - - [pokemon...] - - [attention pokemon
fans!] - - [pikachu's diary] - - [-daniel please read-] -
- [-lady of the pika and other pokemon fans please read-] -
- [-hey pokemon haters click here to get $2000!-] -
liposucktion????????] - - [Disaster in the AIR!!] -
- [Terrorist Attack!] - - [Climb up a ladder] - - [Koww
goes to camp!!!] - - [5 RULES TO BE COOL] -
- [CHEATS CLICK FOR DOOM CHEATS] - - [Mikes note] - -
[click to get doom cheats �] -
[add a path] -
Created by Daniel on Aug 06 1999
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