"I've got to get out of here!" you think to yourself. But
how? There is no door in sight! As you're walking around the club,
looking for the door a strange feeling starts to come over your whole
body. A tingling sensation. Suddenly, a strong urge comes over you.
You feel that you have to run on to the dance floor and start kicking
and stomping with everyone else. You cannot shake the feeling! You
must find help before you are sucked into the "Twlight Cowboy
Zone"! But where do you go? What do you
What is going on?!?! All of the people start to line up on the dance
floor. What is this strange thing they're doing? You hear a strange
sound coming from the speakers! "Achy Breaky" what? Sounds
painful, you're thinking. Like some strange cult-type group. You
turn to look back out at the dance floor. What has come over these
people? You think, "Are they possessed? What has come over
them?" They were all doing the same moves over and over again!
It looks so strange! Kind of like - some exercise video! Redneck
Aerobics?! Has someone brain washed them, maybe?