"Ok. I go with you." I say. Then the elf begins to lead the
way. We walk into a forest filled with various unknown plants. A
cat-like creature crouches on the bough and stares at us. It has the
big eyes of an owl. I can't recall any memory about anything in my
sight. So I start to talk. "Who is Shanta? Why do you want to
revolt?" There is a moment of silence. Then she says:
"Shanta is the ruler of this world. He is a human, but he does
no better to his people than to other races. He summons evil
creatures and organizes them into Monster Legions. He abuses his
power, and many races start to fight against him after his long term
tyranny." She pauses for a while, then continues: "We name
ourselves the Freedom League, and we welcome all races to join us to
overthrow Sganta. But..." "But what?" I ask.
"But there are even conflicts between different races. Besides,
the force of Shanta is too strong, we can hardly win a