you turn on your light saber and the jedis light saber and attack with
full force! sparks fly red blue orange yellow soon a tree catches
fire! not many viggorous attacks later you are surounded in a blaseing
inferno!You battle on sweat poaring down your back from the battle and
the fire! your arms are growing week but not a scratch has either of
you endured!the fire is closing in your lungs burn from the acred
smoke, sweat stings your eyes!your arms are in consant agony from
battling of the demon jedi at last you can fight no longer you drop to
the ground defeated as the world turned black you see the shodowy
figure depart "good thing i'm a good actor you say as you sit up
and look around you with the creature gone the mist was melting away
but you are sure he is not gone for good only delayed by his
trick.then cince the blazing inferno was now only a small blaze you
try to find a safe place to rest.