"Hold it right there missy! I have been lookin' for you! Quitsy,
did I see you take some food from this......this.....humanoid?"
The Unicorn looks up at the women. She is dressed in weird colors:
purples, oranges, greens and yellows. She holds a staff with a
triangle on top of it in her right hand. In her left, she holds a
black and white ball. She turns to you and frowns.
"And who, may I ask, are you to be? Trying to feed my
unicorn? Why, she doesn't eat food when she's hungry! She plays with
this black and white ball. It appeases her."
You feel a bit angry at this woman. After all, you talked to
Quitsy and she was nice. You decide to ask a few questions yourself.
"I wasn't being mean," you begin, "Quitsy was nice
so I was being nice to her. By the way who might you be."
"Me?," the lady repeats incredulously. "Why does
not everyone know. I am Queen Moodara. I rule this planet!!"