Then, you see a big green button on the wall next to you. Just above
it it says, "Auto Repair:Windshield."
You reach out with your hand and push the button down hard. All of a
sudden, the windshield is restored and you return to your feet.
A bunch of officers come in and look at you. "What
happened?" one askes.
"The windshield went out due to a meteour hitting it. Qui-Gon
was sucked out of the ship{ You don't mention the fact he had just
been standing there} but I was able to activate the windshield's
auto-repair. Qui-Gon is still out there..." you tell them, then
think to yourself, Wow, that sounded really cool.
The vast planes of space try frantically to pull you out of your
spaaceship and into it's black clutches.