Bingo is my doggie friend, we would play catch out side in
the green grassy yard, I would toss the ball in then he would run with
all his might,he would catch it in his mouth and surpise me with it!!!
I would sneek him food, One day he barked at a bigger dog than him
self one day. and was bite,he didnt die at this point, he was to go to
the vet,they said he had an infetion Bring him up here tomarrow. So
the next day we couldnt find him altho, I found him under a bed, When
David came home, I told him that Bngo was gettig stiff, David rushed
him to the vet, he died they gave him
c.p.r. he came to life, they thought he was ok but he died Davids
arms five min. after the c.p.r. The next day he was buried and iven
made a cross for him!! (died Sep 17-1997) True story.