"Gariath! Get out of here! You'll be killed!" you shriek.
"There's no use," Gariath sobs, "We've found you. Our
mission is finished."
"Please! You're the only friends I have!"
Gariath gets up, still holding Hiraea. You race out of the house,
moments before it collapses.
Gariath is badly burnt, and choking. With his last ounces of strength,
he says, "The queen...Queen Darasma...she did this...she's
back...to...control the kingdom...protect it...please Warrior..."
Gariath dies. You try to wake up Hiraea, but she is dead, too.
You start crying hysterically. You swear that someday, you'll get
revenge on this Queen Darasma.
You find that the cabin is burning. You race in, attempting to save
Hiraea and Gariath. You hind Gariath, sitting in a corner, holding
Hiraea's motionless body in his arms and crying.