Jupiter: Okay, let's go to Saffron.
Pikachu: Pika!
Old Man:(holding a gun)Hey! You little brats, GET OF MY PORCH!
Jupiter: AHHH! Run for it!
(And so, Sailor Jupiter and Pikachu walked to Saffron City. Meanwhile,
at a Pokemon Center in Saffron...)
Jessie: How come my Arbok is so weak?
James: I wish we had stronger pokemon. Like a Charizard....
Jessie: Or an Onix....
Meowth: Or a Pikachu!
Jessie and James: Huh?
(Meowth points out the window of the Pokemon Center to a young teen
girl with a Pikachu.)
Jessie: What luck!
James: Yeah, it's not every day you see a beautiful girl like that.
Jessie:(whacks James with the fan) What do you mean??
James: Ow! Well....what I meant is...uh, some days you look better
than others?
Jessie:(whacks James again)How dare you insult me!
Meowth:(scratches Jessie and James' face) Quit messing around! Let's
just nab dat Pikachu and get outta here!
Jessie:(kicks Meowth) I thought I told you to stop scratching my
delicate face!
Officer Jenny: Hold it!
(Jenny walks up to Jessie and cuffs her.)
Officer: I'm afraid you violeted Law #125: Pokemon shall NOT be
abused, ESPECIALLY in a Pokemon Center!
James: What a stupid law!
Officer Jenny: You, my friend, have just violated Law #403: Mocking a
law! You can join this young lady at the station!
James: What??
Jessie: What's going to happen to Meowth??
Officer Jenny: Well because of your neglagance, I'm going to have to
take him to the Poke-Pound.
Meowth: AHHH! NO WAY!
(Meowth runs out of the Pok�mon Center and hides in some tall bushes.)
Meowth:(catching breath) Finally...I...escaped. Now what? Should I try
and help Jessie and James? But what about dat
(After thinking long and hard, the decided to fight Team Rocket.)