The Haunted Castle -- page 2704

Two days later she is missing.

- [back] - - [You go straight to the Haunted Catsle] - - [You search your secret club house.] - - [Go to McDonald's] - - [To The Castle] - - [The Missing Person] - - [You start to find Barbara] - - [go to castle and look around] - - [go to burger king] - - [Barbra is found!!!] - - [Order a pizza] - - [Look around the haunted house] - - [hungry] - - [I CHNGE MY MIND and don't start.] - - [Dave stops you] - - [She suddenly reappears] - - [you and dave go back to the castle] - - [You go back in time and stop Barbara ] - - [never, we will ] -

Created by Selznick on Jun 18 1997

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