The young woman helps you up, and you realize she is not a 15 year old
girl, but a small, gentle looking pixie. Her wings brush your back as
she lifts you up, and you can't help but feel a little intimidated.
She is beautiful, but you know pixies can sometimes be tricky.
"My name's Dae," she says, as her eyes scurry from side to
side. "But thats not important..we have to go." She grabs
you in her arms and flies off with you.
As her wings make a light humming noise and the air whips across your
face, you find yourself nodding off.
As you awake you find yourself...
You look up at her, thinking you really shouldn't go anywhere until
you figure things out, but realizing that if you dont go with her, you
may never find out who or where you are.